Stiamo con i piedi per terra e lavoriamo nelle cucine. Poiché siamo tutti partiti dalle basi, abbiamo piena conoscenza della …
Supportiamo la tua azienda con un servizio completo. Non ci piace un lungo elenco, ma spesso i nostri clienti ne …
Our Mission
Dalle piccole idee alle catene premium F&B. Non importa se gestisci un ristorante locale o una nota catena di hotel, …
The Brand
Restaurant, Hotel & Commercial Full-service F&B Consulting Firm. We are different because we like to sit down with the customer and...
Soft Nougats
In the production characterized by enormous needs of yolks rather than eggs, and to give a completely different result ...
Sometimes things are born with a perfection above expectations that wanting to change them is useless.
Arguing over the price of a quality product means not appreciating its hidden value.
Easter Doves
When all the secrets for the birth of panettone are acquired, the implementation of the Colombe (Doves) cannot ...
I prefer to give a more characteristic definition to the concept of "Artisanal". Specifically, by "Artisanal" I mean a product made with ...